Saturday, 11 July 2009

LIght at the end of the tunnel

What a week, first week back in work and what a tiring one Phew! The week when the Astronauts came to Gateshead. I'm glad to be back at work and starting to get back to normality! There have been some exciting things happening at work whilst I have been off and it will take some time to get to grips with what is going on but I will try my hardest to get back on track, the main thing is that I am back to work. On Friday morning I went to my second Physiotherepy appointment Lesley is very nice she said I had done really well so far but not to push it too far. It is OK she said not to go swimming as much as I was when I was off and that I could keep it for the weekends. She gave me an exercise to do which involved holding a towel round the back of me and going from side to side. SHe also let me loan a TENS touch machine to ease the pain which seems to work very well I am impressed - so much so that I think I will go out and buy my own. On Saturday Bodil and I just went for a couple of drinks in the Ouseburn Valley, very Bohemian it is now but it was really good to sample a couple of beers and be part of the event and be out just the two of us!
Sunday comes around all too soon and it is getting ready for work time again it is a long while since I had to do that :)

Sunday, 5 July 2009

July brings joy!

After several months of being incapacitated and unable to exercise I am now officially allowed back to work and I start on Monday 6th July.
It has been a hard slog, I never for one minute believed I would be away from a job a really enjoy. I have fought hard to be able to get back and though the pain in the neck is still there it is manageable and I feel I can return to work. The irony of it is that the good weather is now here and I will not be able to enjoy it. The strange thing is that I have never been able to "enjoy" my incapacity as I have not been able move without pain etc.
I must admit that I am rather apprehensive about returning to work as I know things have changed but as I have not been involved, I do not know the new arrangements so it will be a steep learning curve to get back to work. By the same token I feel I must behave responsibly and take my time, if I do not feel well I need to come home. I also need to make sure I stick to an agreed phased return with my manager. I am sure it will be fascinating!