Monday, 21 May 2007

Blogging in Media rich world

Just tell me how do people find the time to write a blog when there are so many other things around for them to do, social events, family events and I include supermarket shopping here, leisure events. The list is endless, I am writing this now because I saw I hadn't written anything since my first post shameful I know but I lead a busy life... well I don't really I just like to think I do, as most of us we can readily put off doing the jobs we know have to get done because we are so busy.
Changing banks now that is a chore when you are fed up with the bank you have been with for 15 yrs because they were not there for you when you needed them. It is only then that you realise how mean they can be. So it is their fault that you are changing banks but they make it as hard as anything, they want all correspondence in triplicate you have to have written consent from both parties of the joint account even though you have already furnished them with that information.
I am at present the proud owner of two bank accounts an old one which has no direct debits as I have cancelled them all with my salary in and a new one from which my direct debits are going to come out with nothing in. Interesting state of affairs eh? What's the bet that direct debits come out of the wrong place and I end up paying for the privilege. Anyway that's the world we live in. I look at the world and hear of children killing each other whilst starving. I hear of people blowing themselves apart in the name of religion, of parents searching in vain for their children who have gone missing whilst on holiday and I think that my bank problems are minuscule in comparison. Well that's that off my chest... I do feel better now and I am resigned to keep up this blog ( the road to hell is paved with good intentions) I suppose only time will tell. Compare the times of the next post and that will give the answer.

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