Tuesday, 31 March 2009

Tuesday the end of March

I can't believe it is the end of March, it has been so long since I was at work that I feel a little apprehensive about when I go back which hope will be soon!
On Saturday I went to Edinburgh as it was a friends birthday, he was revisiting the City after having his Stag Night there 10 years previously. We marvelled at the architecture of the Cafe Royal if you have never been then you have missed out it is truly remarkable. We went for lunch at a lovely vegetarian place called Hendersons The staff very very friendly and informative answering the questions of the people who were not au fait with vegetarian food.
The trip back was eventful and informative. We sat next to a couple and father of the man from Iraq. It is amazing that talking to actual people gives you a better understanding of what is happening in that country. Very appropriate today as Britain hands over to the Iraqi army and begins it long awaited withdrawal from the country. The end of the day I was really hurting in my neck and I hope I have not done any damage, I am being so careful but do not want to just sit in the house all day and not move. My walking is being seriously curtailed as I have developed a problem with my leg it really hurts after about 1Km the doctors doesn't think it is DVT but my ankles are swollen and this is something I have never had. I have put on about 15kg since September 2008 and I am getting worried I do not eat fatty foods and am careful not to eat in between but getting now real exercise is a worry shame the health personnel don't seem to share my worry but that is another story. I am recording my workouts on the MapMyRide which is at least keeping me focussed. I can't wait to get back to work!

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