Tuesday, 30 December 2008

So this is Christmas

Well I know the New Year is nearly here because Maria has had her 16th birthday. She was overjoyed with her Electric Violin in fact ecstatic would be more the word. No I am not going to go on about what it was like when she was born although I do remember it well. I just can't believe she is that old, "what a gal"
So we are in the twilight time before the New Year, I feel very unlike New Year this time, I am still hurting in my neck but I did get a phone call from Margaret the Surgeon's secretary apologising for not ringng me back when she should have done but not matter it was nice that she did ring up she had no reason to do so and I would not have thought it remiss with all that goes on over Christmas. Anyway the main thing is that the new date for the operation in the 16th 8.00 at the hospital "same procedure as Last Year" ( The 90th Birthday party- Dinner for One-Freddie Frinton). I can't say I am not miffed but if I can just get it over and done with and get back to good health I will be very happy. I would give up all if the Isreali bombardment would cease, yes I know that HAMAS are still firing rockets and there is no excuse for that, where is the Politial leader with some gumption to go and do something, get the sides talking in a meaningful way get supplies into the country and stop the attacks there are always those who will use the situation for their own ends but lets not dwell on or give them air for their voices lets just stop the rot and while we are at it, lets do soething about Mugabe, how can he sleep at night and he a Catholic, what a joke. It seems to me that all the screams and cries to a higher being are to no avail, the only ones that can help are fellow humans beings and I must say we are sadly lacking. I was asked yesterday if the UK was a Christian country anymore? I stopped whilst I asked myself if it was ever but then I came down on the side of the nays (as they say in the US).We are multifaith as well as multicultural and yet even those who do not keep the faith still work within the teents of Christianity. We need a new world order based on respect for fellow humans without a cry to a higher order, we have tried this religion stuff for too long and as any pollster will tell you we have been found sadly lacking. If you want to believe in a "god" then that's fine but don't instill or judge othrs by your beliefs maybe then we can get on with making sense of the wolrd and maybe the world will not lack the politicsal will to change things. All this philosophy and not yet January, roll on the New Year resolutions!

Tuesday, 23 December 2008

Christmas Trauma

Now you think I am going to tell you about the operation again well no I am not. The trauma refers to the boxes that we put out in the garden whilst the extension to the garage was being done. Well we (the girls) decided that we would get the back room sorted for Christmas and it was then that we (the girls) uncovered the inability of the tarpaulin to keep out the rain and yes the plastic boxes placed there in July were infact full of water. Not your ordinary water of course but the stench mold ridden smelly green coloured type of water that has been festering since the first Summer rains began and added to when the Autumn rains and first Winter snows appeared. Now the rooms are full of water stained photographic remnants of our lives, what a catastrophe! In the middle of all this , we also need to get the Christmas tree up.We usually have this done by now but well we haven't managed that yet and I am not the person that can really help. We did actually get the dishwasher plug working though, Bodil pointing out that the first electriacian, yes the one that was paid and never came back had at least put a switch on the wall so once that was turned on the plug would worked and guess what it did right again! We do have the cooker hood installed and it works and is really strong, a little out of line but hey! It's up and working :)
We just need to get the front room sorted and put the Christmas decorations up and go shopping and then go Christmas shopping and all that. In the great scheme of things what is happening to us is miniscule. What is happening around the world makes what is happening to us fae into insignificance wars, starvation, cruellty, abuse, killing suffering and mostly in the name of some God or other. Well it is strange after being brought up a Catholic and served as an alter boy, worked in a Catholic School, been a lay preacher and the whole nine yards, I can no longer subcribe to the pretence. Instituional religion is not for me, infact no religion is for me. They are all the same founded on a need to have belonging and an answer to what ever lies or comes after or what ever started the whole thing in the past. To this end when asked what religion I was at the hospital i answered none. The first time in my life I have done this as I thought that I could not in all honesty answer Christian or Catholic when I did not hold with any of it. I am not saying I am becoming a Humanist I am just saying that I really no longer believe that there is a God (still using Capital letter) maybe it is a mid life crisis thing but as I look at life, I honestly can't think that any "caring god" could stand by and watch what is going on in his name whatever persuation. The girls still like the festivities and I am loath to spoil that but by the same token they should accept my stance on the existance of god. "Happy Christmas" as we tend to say in the West.

Saturday, 20 December 2008

Post Op Trauma

The day finally came, I was at the hospital for 7.45 nil by mouth and ready to go. The guy I had met a couple of weeks before was in sombre mood but looking forward to the day if you can understand that. Anyway he was called about 8.15 which raised my expectations that I would soon be done as well. I was called to have the pre op swabs and talking to and felt ready for lift off, the doctor said I was to go back to the waiting room and wait for a bed to be available.My expectations were high. The doctor came and led me to another room the ward where I was given a bed and sat along with 4 others. Bodil eventually succumbed to shopping and left for lunch with Louise. I waited and then read my book, I read my book and I waited. I listened to the grumblings of the other patients who had been in the ward as long as I had. I ascertained that the guy across from me was third on the list under my surgeon, I was 4th. My expectations went through the roof when he was called to go down for his operation.I worked out I would be next and working on the fact that the operation took 2 hours I would at last be down by 16.00 OK.calm down relax stay calm in 4 hours all would be over and the recovery could begin. By 16.00 there was a quite which had descended over the nurses station no more offers of sandwiches and coffee followed by the apology as I ws nil by mouth. The sister came into the ward and explained to my only remaining colleague in pain that his operation would to go ahead as there were trauma patients needed the theatres. Naturally the guy pleaded that he too was an emergency and that he too needed the operation, to be fair he could walk out of the hospital admittedly with a limp but still he could walk out so no chance of a reprieve. I was in with a chance, no little conversation for me so I had escaped the guillotine so to speak. STill it was 16.15 a quick calculation meant that I would go down at 16.30 and be on the recovery ward by 19.00 Hmmm! This calculation did not compute, no matter how good my surgeon was he wouldn't work until that time.Bodil who had now returned via the recovery ward concurred and we sat and waited for the enevitable and yes at 16.30 Nurse enevitable turned up apologising but there were emergencies which had to take preference.I totally agreed arrrrrgggggh!
ALl my plans up the spout no chance of being done the next day or indeed Monday so when would I be called back? I was told to ring the secretary and get a date. I did that on Friday and was not telephoned back on Monday I rang and had to wait until lunch time before being told that I would be called again for the operation on the 16th January 2009 a whole month almost. As you can imagine I am not the best pleased, I accept that emergencies take preference but now am worried that I willbe usurped by them when I next go. And the fact I will have to psyche myself up again for the op. The dates fitted in so well with all my plans to get back to work and to fit in my MA studies but now I willhave to re jig what I need to do. Anyway, I just need to focus on the 16th and let time take its course. I suppose I can look forward to Christmas now!

Friday, 28 November 2008

Bangkok Riots

I have a friend who lives in Thailand and she is worried about the riots there. She lives in the provinces but has children in Bangkok who may be caught up in the trouble. I find it very sureal that I can be eating my breakfast in the UK conversing with someone who is in a country where there is the potential for anarchy to break out. Her main worry is the effect this will have on Thailand as a country with the rest of the world.

Thursday, 20 November 2008

Post Structuralists

The day has arrived when I wished I could speak French. Why?

So that I would be able to understand Michel Foucault et al!

Viva! La France!

Now I am just going to deconstruct that sentence and find out where the binaries are then I will create a new social reality
Jacques Derrida

Saturday, 15 November 2008

Burnley Saviour! Brian Jensen

Brian Jensen in fine form when Burnley beat Chelsea in a thrilling game which went to penalties. Jensen saved two penalties to put us through the the next round against Arsenal.
Bring on the Gunners!

Thursday, 13 November 2008


The Euphoria of beating Chelsea is still with me, almost a glowing feeling of pride, what a result!
Just what the town needs to lift the spirits of the people.
Well done lads!

Wednesday, 12 November 2008

Penalties here we go!

What a way to end a game but at least there is a result.
What a save from Jensen!
OOH! Wade Elliot what a shame!!!!!!!!
Sudden death shoot out 4-4
Burnley Win :) 4-5
Here we go
wer'e on our way to Wembley!


Chelsea v's Burnley 1-1 after extra time

What a brilliant feat for Burnley to get to penalties lets hope they can win who knows C'mon Clarets.
Wish Cauldwell had stayed on though!

Next few minutes will change things for Burnley no end

Friday, 31 October 2008


I really don't like this celebration, it has been hyped out of all proportion to the extent that the retailers must have to work really hard to get the displays ready for this one day and then take them down and fill the space with Christmas stuff. Anyway for those going out in the rain tonight trick or treating think to yourselves how dumb you are for not being able to make up your own festival and have to use an import from America :(

The only good thing about this festival is that I can remember where I was born and the trips we would make on this night up to the top of Pendle Hill (to see if we could see the "witches"). So all you out tonight beware!!

Hello Southampton

Well we finally found where Louise is and had a look around Southampton We will take you to the University, now go on up the stairs, off you go we will see you in 3 years.

We found a great place for NooNoo to visit :)

Maria found it very hard driving down to Southampton she liked it better flying back.
So we all feel shattered now and Bodil is lookng forward to going back to work after the drive back to Newcastle. We look forward to the next trip but this time I think we will fly?

Sunday, 26 October 2008


Well we are all getting ready for the long drive to the south coast to see Louise. Forgot the clocks went back so a great surprise to find we have an extra hour. We will still set off later than not planned and we will get there eventually sometime today having left something very important behind I am sure. Weather is glorious though the sun is shinning and the world is OK! Maria enjoyed her trip to the Battlefields, I think the enormity of the death of people hit home when she saw the row on row of graves to soldiers on both sides. She loved the chocolate as well and had a good time visiting another country.
I suppose travelling so far south is like travelling to another country, so it's like an adventure. OK bring it on.

Friday, 24 October 2008

Friday Blues

Strange day to day felt really down, fed up about the amount of work to d (at Work) and me here doing nothing. Satisfied myself I couldn't do anything and then went for a walk the wind was strong so I pretended I was windsurfing, feeling the wind on my face etc. That was quite good and it cheered me up. I suppose you get these low points. Louise having a good time, not heard from MAria she's in Belgium looking at the battle fields and no roaming on her phone she is back tomorrow and then we are off to Southampton or as they say in the States the Hamptons :) for the weekend. There feel better already!

Now is this the way to Southampton UK !

Monday, 20 October 2008

Update on proceedings

Sorry I have neglected my whitterings but I have been trying to get my neck sorted out. I have been booked in for an operation to the slipped disc, they take the disc out and replace it with a bit of bone from my hip.90% success rate, so I go for the operation on the 18th December 2008. A bit scary but I should be OK afterwards so I can get back to work and then get ready for windsurfing next year Yuuu! Huuu! Here is a picture of what my disc looks like (not really my disc )

Looks pretty yuk eh! Well I hope the operation does go well I have been reading a forum where there are all sorts of problems so I have now stopped reading that site. :)
This is more the type fo Operation I am going to have - Spinal fusion

Saturday, 4 October 2008

7th week in a collar

Well things are not going to plan, I have been off work for two weeks almost and last week I was in agony and in emotional turmoil regarding the medication I was on. Yes it was working but it made me terribly dehydrated and resulted in a painful stomach so the dilema should I take the pills and have no neck pain but suffer in the tummy or not take the pills and suffer with the neck pain. I took the politicians way out and tried to please everyone all the time I cut down on the pills and then tried to get my tummy sorted, sooner said than done if you ask me. All week I have been in agony and not able really to stray from the house. I am not drinking any alcohol so I suppose that is a good thing.  I just hope everything will be OK. I go to the hospital on Wednesday so I will know more about what they are going to do. At present I feel like just saying everything is fine and getting back to work. This year is so busy and there are a load of things to do but as they say it never rains it pours and I really should look after my health because no one else will but? 

Sunday, 14 September 2008

3 weeks in the collar

Hi it has been 3 weeks now and I am still in pain although I have to say that the pain is not as bad now that I am on the tablets. Dihydracodeine
Gabapentin quite a mix. Last Sunday I managed to OD on the pills (by accident I may add things aren't that bad) felt really tired and whoozy at dinner and then we rang the NHS direct they said I would be fine so I went to bed felt really whoozy the following morning.
I have been going into work but only when I really need to it really takes it out of me, I feel like everything is going at 33 and a third ( for those who don't know, the speed of an old 45 record).
Anyway I am waiting for the Consultants PA to ring back, I think I will have a long wait.........
but until I have the next talk to the Consultant I can't really plan anything,.
I am still making appointments and hoping that whatever the next step is doesn't upset too many people. Watch this space....
Oldest Louise is getting ready for University I am more excited than her I think, brings back loads of memories for me....she is going to just wow them and I can see that she is going to make loads of friends and have a great time and get a fantastic job at the end of this. If she gets what she wants then I'll be happy.

Thursday, 4 September 2008

Pain in the Neck Prophesy fulfilled!

Yes many people have said what a "Pain in the neck I really am" and this has now come to pass that I really do have a pain in the neck and the shoulder and the forearm and the fingers.
I have been managing to get into work sometimes although I suspect I probably shouldn't. It is not that bad getting public transport and I don't mean that in a superior way I mean from the fact of doing my job but it does mean that I have t plan far more in advance and I cannot do the same amount of work as I can when I am driving and also I am at the mercy of the buses/metro.
Getting from place to place is not bad. To work I can get the 62/63 then change in town to the 100 and then walk to the office from the Metro Centre. This takes 45 mins door to door if I get the right connections 1hour + if I don't (15-20 mins by car). I went to a school yesterday and arranged to meet a colleague at the Heworth Interchange so it took me 1 hour to get to Heworth but only one bus the famous City Link 58 it did cost me £4.10 return as the driver said they did not do day passes ( I think they do!) I then had to walk from the Coast Road ( 15 - 20 mins) when I got in I was shattered and needed to lie down. That has been the thing about this week the amount of time and the amount of energy it has taken to do what I would normally do in my stride. It is not that I am going to bed late either as I am in bed by 9.00-9.30.
I go for a an MRI scan tomorrow so lets hope they find out what it is so I can get back to normal and stop taking the damn tablets which make me so tired and I'm sure they effect my memory as well. Roll on tomorrow!

Thursday, 28 August 2008

Summer Hols

What Summer Hols ?

We have decided not to go away because of my neck, I have had to get stronger pain killers and they make me sleepy so I have spent the first 3 days eating pain killers and sleeping.from CartoonStock

Friday, 22 August 2008

Summer Holidays begin

The start of the holidays Hooray! Sun is shining birds are singing and the world alright... for now?

Thursday, 21 August 2008

Still in Pain

I decided to take Monday Tuesday and Wednesday off I went in today for a meeting and will be in tomorrow for a meeting but I can tell you it wasn't nice, the pain is ridiculous. I just wish had a date for the MRI scan.
A couple of people have said I should go to Chiropractors or Manipulators but I think the NHS should have first stab although if this goes on I will have to bypass them I think. For more info go to Slipped disc Explained

Saturday, 16 August 2008

Neck ache

4 weeks of this and no driving

I have had a bad arm and neck for about 18 months to 2 Years and it has got decidedly worse. A couple of months ago I had to go to the doctors and have had injections into the shoulder, Physiotherapy and even acupuncture. I was eventually sent to a Consultant who diagnosed a slipped disc in the neck and proscribed 4 weeks of a neck brace the one in the picture is a hard one I have a soft one for sleeping and has ordered an MRI scan for me hopefully before the 4 weeks. I am in a lot of pain mind and finding it difficult to sleep properly but if it does the trick in the long run then that's OK! I suppose driving 3000 miles across Europe and back didn't exactly help but I will take it easy from now on.

Adventure Over

Well the adventure is well and truly over. Reality has returned, the hum drum of work rest sleep has become prominent and the Danish Dash a distant memory but what a memory. I would do it again in a flash although it was tiring and sometimes frustrating but well I can now say I have been to several more countries than I could a week ago. See normality returns

Monday, 11 August 2008


Here we are in Rainton Burger King Uuuuuummmm!!!!!!!

Our first food in UK for a week :-(((


Wow! we can have a Burger King just what I have always wanted!

Sunday, 10 August 2008

Roeselare Belgium

We have arrived at the Park Hotel, nice setting, the first room we were given, the bathroom door was hanging off so we were given an exact same room further along the passage but this time with the bathroom door on.
The sun is shining and the town is full of people mostly English I think. Anyway the trip today was great we set off at 7.00 am from Aarhus we got to Hamburg in two and half hours which was quite good although the weather was really bad. We saw the festival goers camping in Skanderborg and felt really sorry for them. We stopped in Holland at a service station and got sandwiches then we sat and ate them in the car because the seats were soaking with the rain. We then headed on and made really good time. We followed a mixture of Eric and Dils directions which brought us directly to the hotel we missed the entrance through the archway by a couple of metres and had to go around the one way system to come round again and then into the car park.There must be a jaguar convention on because the hotel is full of jags MkII and a couple of Mk10's anyway we need to go and visit a local hostelry and check out the food situation for tonight.
We are both tired but otherwise in good spirits looking forward to coming back to Newcastle. We get the ferry from Dunkerque at 16.00 tomorrow so I will decide then if we drive straight back or stay somewhere overnight.
We will put pictures up later as the iphone is unable to get a signal or detect wireless networks.
I am busy looking for comments and we have a distinct lack of any and after all the twittering we have been doing c'mon get your twittering fingers out or look at the blog and post a comment.

Saturday, 9 August 2008

Chinese Meal

Well we are back from Djurs Sommerland and a great time was had by all we stopped off at Borge and Bente's and had a chat said good bye and headed back to Aarhus. Eric has sorted the car for me and packed it very well we have room for more if there are any takers.I have phoned the hotel in Roeselare and they said if I can't make it they will not charge me so that takes the pressure off for trying to cover 1000Km tomorrow. Maria needs her bag in the car and we nees to pack little things.
We are now on our way to have a fine Chinese meal to celebrate our leaving and thank Eric and Christa for their brilliant hospitality.

Djurs Sommerland

This is a big theme park about 40 Km out of Arhus, the weather was sunny and we got the best of the day I think. Not my type of place but the girls loved the rides. For one day it cost about £20.00 each to get in but then the rides were included and they have lots of things for families to do.
The big attraction is the Pirate roller coaster.
Maria loved it but I didn't go on.

There were also other attractions like the Eagle.

and they also went on the traditional type of rides
which you get a all theme parks.

They look like they are enjoying themselves!

Fun fair Djurs Sommerland

Whale of a time


Windy but sunny we are off to a theme park today, the girls are excited about this, Eric and I will go together and take some of the picnic, We will take food for a BBQ at the place sounds thrilling.
We have decide to go from Aarhus to Roeselare tomorrow i one go :-((

The weather is akin to being in Lancashire rain rain rain

Saturday Dujs Sommerland

Windy but sunny we are off to a theme park today, the girls are excited about this, Eric and I will go together and take some of the pictures.

Friday, 8 August 2008

End of the day

Has been a good day today. Been into town sunshine all day the girls
have had a great time together face masks and makeup etc. Busy working
out route for Sunday could be Aarhus - Roeselare in Belgium 9hrs set
off at 7 am have booked a room or maybe stop somewhere before that we
catch the ferry at 16.00 on Monday so have time on Monday. I'll sleep
on it!

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Real Danish pastries

Not as good as Christa's home made lagKage (layer cake) UUUUMMMMMMM!

Eric shopping

Eric doing the shopping for lunch and for tonights wonderful meal!

Marius Pedersen AS Waste recycling plant

This is the recycling plant where Christa works the plastic and raw waste is delivered by truck and is sorted and shredded leaving only the last waste materials to be put into landfill.

Connect to the next generation of MSN Messenger Get it now!

Christa's Office

Christa works in a recycling plant looking after the logistics within the company this is her office

Explore the seven wonders of the world Learn more!


And then there were 3 in town!

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Going to town

The girls all ready for the town!

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Hamburg at night!

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iPhone test

Hello from Denmark !

Sent from my iPhone

Using the iPhone

Well the iPhone is a cool iconic piece of kit and it does get people looking and drooling and all that but is it functional? Well I will be polite and blame the 3G companies because every time we went to use the facilities we could not connect to a network.
So when we were using the directions to find our way around it took ages to get a signal and it would invariably lose the connection leaving you frustrated we did manage to find a way around this but it does not show the iphone to the best of its abilities though.
Yes you've guessed it use a map!

Friday Morning

Had a good nights sleep, getting ready to visit Aarhus centre for shopping maybe have a few beers. The weather is overcast and the rain last night was torrential thunder lightening and 45mm of rain fell in a couple of hours so there are a few floods around the place we are staying on a hill so no worries there then.
The patio at Eric and Christa's house after the rain.

Thursday, 7 August 2008

Arrived in Aarhus

Well we arrived here in Denmark at Eric and Christa's where we have had a fantastic meal. Specially caught Cod and Mackrel from the North Sea fished by Eric's brother. We had potatoes and parsley sauce and carrots followed by special dessert made by Christa.
The weather is atrocious rain thunder and lightening but we are in good company.


Well good morning campers! What a wonderful day here in Hamburg. The sun is shining the birds are singing and the breakfast was divine, real hotel food hot cold and in between. We are planning to go around Hamburg before the final leg of the journey to Aarhus.
The journey has really taken it out of some people though a
s the photo below tends to show.
However the view from the 16th floor is remarkable. We will take a walk around the city and post more picys later today. Looking at the weather we may be in for a stormy ride the next
couple of days. See you later.