Tuesday, 30 December 2008

So this is Christmas

Well I know the New Year is nearly here because Maria has had her 16th birthday. She was overjoyed with her Electric Violin in fact ecstatic would be more the word. No I am not going to go on about what it was like when she was born although I do remember it well. I just can't believe she is that old, "what a gal"
So we are in the twilight time before the New Year, I feel very unlike New Year this time, I am still hurting in my neck but I did get a phone call from Margaret the Surgeon's secretary apologising for not ringng me back when she should have done but not matter it was nice that she did ring up she had no reason to do so and I would not have thought it remiss with all that goes on over Christmas. Anyway the main thing is that the new date for the operation in the 16th 8.00 at the hospital "same procedure as Last Year" ( The 90th Birthday party- Dinner for One-Freddie Frinton). I can't say I am not miffed but if I can just get it over and done with and get back to good health I will be very happy. I would give up all if the Isreali bombardment would cease, yes I know that HAMAS are still firing rockets and there is no excuse for that, where is the Politial leader with some gumption to go and do something, get the sides talking in a meaningful way get supplies into the country and stop the attacks there are always those who will use the situation for their own ends but lets not dwell on or give them air for their voices lets just stop the rot and while we are at it, lets do soething about Mugabe, how can he sleep at night and he a Catholic, what a joke. It seems to me that all the screams and cries to a higher being are to no avail, the only ones that can help are fellow humans beings and I must say we are sadly lacking. I was asked yesterday if the UK was a Christian country anymore? I stopped whilst I asked myself if it was ever but then I came down on the side of the nays (as they say in the US).We are multifaith as well as multicultural and yet even those who do not keep the faith still work within the teents of Christianity. We need a new world order based on respect for fellow humans without a cry to a higher order, we have tried this religion stuff for too long and as any pollster will tell you we have been found sadly lacking. If you want to believe in a "god" then that's fine but don't instill or judge othrs by your beliefs maybe then we can get on with making sense of the wolrd and maybe the world will not lack the politicsal will to change things. All this philosophy and not yet January, roll on the New Year resolutions!

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