Tuesday, 23 December 2008

Christmas Trauma

Now you think I am going to tell you about the operation again well no I am not. The trauma refers to the boxes that we put out in the garden whilst the extension to the garage was being done. Well we (the girls) decided that we would get the back room sorted for Christmas and it was then that we (the girls) uncovered the inability of the tarpaulin to keep out the rain and yes the plastic boxes placed there in July were infact full of water. Not your ordinary water of course but the stench mold ridden smelly green coloured type of water that has been festering since the first Summer rains began and added to when the Autumn rains and first Winter snows appeared. Now the rooms are full of water stained photographic remnants of our lives, what a catastrophe! In the middle of all this , we also need to get the Christmas tree up.We usually have this done by now but well we haven't managed that yet and I am not the person that can really help. We did actually get the dishwasher plug working though, Bodil pointing out that the first electriacian, yes the one that was paid and never came back had at least put a switch on the wall so once that was turned on the plug would worked and guess what it did right again! We do have the cooker hood installed and it works and is really strong, a little out of line but hey! It's up and working :)
We just need to get the front room sorted and put the Christmas decorations up and go shopping and then go Christmas shopping and all that. In the great scheme of things what is happening to us is miniscule. What is happening around the world makes what is happening to us fae into insignificance wars, starvation, cruellty, abuse, killing suffering and mostly in the name of some God or other. Well it is strange after being brought up a Catholic and served as an alter boy, worked in a Catholic School, been a lay preacher and the whole nine yards, I can no longer subcribe to the pretence. Instituional religion is not for me, infact no religion is for me. They are all the same founded on a need to have belonging and an answer to what ever lies or comes after or what ever started the whole thing in the past. To this end when asked what religion I was at the hospital i answered none. The first time in my life I have done this as I thought that I could not in all honesty answer Christian or Catholic when I did not hold with any of it. I am not saying I am becoming a Humanist I am just saying that I really no longer believe that there is a God (still using Capital letter) maybe it is a mid life crisis thing but as I look at life, I honestly can't think that any "caring god" could stand by and watch what is going on in his name whatever persuation. The girls still like the festivities and I am loath to spoil that but by the same token they should accept my stance on the existance of god. "Happy Christmas" as we tend to say in the West.

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