Today is the start of the 4th week after my operation and I can feel a difference. However I am getting really bad pains across my shoulders. I would like to say that I was pain free but I am not. It puts it into perspective though when you see the bravery on the television news of a child who was scalded and had 27% damage now looking forward to having another skin operation to clear up the rest of her forehead in preparation for going to secondary school makes me feel like a fraud. The youngest daughter had a couple of turns this week which is worrying but one doctor has discharged her in favour of the Pediatric Consultant so I suppose that is a good thing we have now just to wait for the EEG results in a couple of weeks.
Elephants back in the Circus!
I posted a Twitter about Elephants in a circus. What is Nottinghamshire Local Authority thinking about? I thought we had stopped all that. I don't like and never did like the circus in the first place. I have been once as a child and hated it I could appreciate the tumblers and the clowns, I looked in awe at the high wire acts although I remember getting frustrated as they bowed and curtsied in between stunts all the time. It seemed to take ages for them to get on to the next thing. I suspect this was all part of their getting ready but it has stuck with me. However I was never taken with the animals. I felt sorry for the chimps having to behave like us and perform on command. I did not the the point and still do not see the point of a man "taming a lion" a lion is wild for goodness sake it is not a pet (tell that to some Hollywood types) and as for the Elephants I just looked in their eyes and saw what I thought was shear boredom and cynicism. I thought what a shame, then I looked and thought why do they put up with it they are far bigger and stronger than a person with a red coat or swimsuit with a whip yet they let themselves be humiliated by them. I suspected they were traumatised and had been "brainwashed" into doing these things for the sport of the human onlookers (the sophisticated set). What level of depravity do we stoop if we go and pay to watch this. I would rather stay at home and watch elephants in their own environment in the wild on television than pay to go and see them being humiliated in this way, and we are the "intelligent" species.
Take a look at the things we "intelligent" people do to elephants
Click here to see how we make them do things
Nottingham should be ashamed Click here
I saw a quote saying that the "British people" wanted to see this type of thing. Well I am sure in days gone by there was nothing better than a good public hanging that the great British people wanted to see, I don't see many towns holding this event of late.
Animals are part of the whole eco system of the world not the slaves of those who choose to master them STOP IT!
Saturday, 28 February 2009
Monday, 23 February 2009
Week three post op
Today hasn't started so well. have still pain right across my back and down my arms, so I resorted to taking a couple of codeine which I really don't like 1. They make me spaced out 2. I have to eat more bran and eat oranges ( for obvious reasons) So writing this I could well fall asleep. I am clinging to the words of the nurse last week who said all this was normal (right, don't be a wimp so I won't). The day also started badly as younger daughter had a fainting fit again she is under the consultant and last week we went for an EEG she sees the doctor in March but she is having these things regularly so it is a bit worrying.We have been trying to find a trend and there seems to be none although she did spend a lot of time on the computer yesterday which could have an effect but then other times she hasn't so I don't know maybe it is something she will grow out of???? It is possible she could have a mild form of epilepsy (just my opinion) but I am sure the doctors will sort it out. This is the second time a consultant has looked at her as I wasn't happy with what the first one ws saying so I asked for a second opinion. She is exhausted now and asleep in bed. I feel for her as this year is the year she needs to concentrate on exams GCSE's and she is desperate to get into 6th Form so fingers crossed!
Friday, 20 February 2009
Post Op Info
I rang the hospital and spoke with a nurse who told me that with the level of surgery I had undergone, the result would be more pain as the doctor had moved things and disturbed tissue etc. I should have more pain for about 4 weeks and then after 6 to 8 weeks I should see signs of recovery. The feeling in my throat of swallowing a golf ball was normal and would go. The nerve pains in my arms would also subside I just had to be patient :) So I can probably expect to be wind surfing maybe late in the season I expect by then that global warming will have cancelled out the wind for the rest of the year :( There is a great video of the operation I underwent on it is really fascinating to see this (not for the squeamish mind)
I will be able to get back to work in the Summer term I think which is really good as we have a conference which I do not want to miss.
I will be able to get back to work in the Summer term I think which is really good as we have a conference which I do not want to miss.
Monday, 16 February 2009
First Week post Op
Well it has been a pretty topsy turvy week. I really wanted my neck and arms to be pain free but I suppose I was just living in cloud cuckoo land because it has obviously got to hurt after such an operation, the tissues and muscles need to get back to where they were etc etc. so thinking about it I just have to resign myself to the fact that invasive operations don't quickly turn you around in a week there are conditions.
I would like t know more about the post operative situation though. How much am I supposed to do? I have been out walking and that has had an effect on my neck making it hurt but I am not going to give that up as it is my only form of exercise.Now that my wound has healed well almost. The scar looks to be healing quite nicely though!.jpg)
Can I go for a swim, I know myself that it is not possible yet my neck is aching too much but when will that be a possibility? I was given no advice other than "ring us if you need to" but its like disturbing the nurses when they are overstretched as it is. I have got a sick note for 8 weeks from my doctor so I know it will take a while I just want to be doing something in the mean time but I don't what. I have started reading books unrelated to work I have just finished Twelfth Night, I had forgotten what a good read it was I really got into it. I was reading the Penquin classic which give a preamble and explanation of the text so all that I learned at school started to come back to me. Strange but it also got me thinking about the peole who were in my class than things I did at school when I was younger. Tyring to remember peoples names is a killer, in your minds eye you can see their faces even hear there voices but will they reveal their names... not likely. I am not getting a very good nights sleep even though the tablets are supposed to make you sleepy but then I am trying to remeber everyones name that I have ever encountered. I am sleeping sat up in bed as I am afraid of and unable to lay with my head on the pillow as normal, I suppose it means I am snoring less I don't know Bodil has not said if it has helped or not. I must say it has helped not haveung the neck brace on I could even hear I was snoring with that on! It being half term Maria was allowed to sleepover at a friends house one night has turned into three so I have not seen her all weekend. She deserves to enjoy her self as she seems to be working really hard towards her GCSE's and she is really very helpful around the house and I love her to bits but I do miss her when she is not here. I don't know what it will be like when she goes to University, I didn't think I would miss Louise but I really do eve though I know she is making her way in life and we encouraged her to do so I still miss her. Well my neck is aching still so I am going to go and rest it. First week over and getting better slowly I think (hope) look for ward to week two. Maybe England can manage a win (both football and Rugby)!
I would like t know more about the post operative situation though. How much am I supposed to do? I have been out walking and that has had an effect on my neck making it hurt but I am not going to give that up as it is my only form of exercise.Now that my wound has healed well almost. The scar looks to be healing quite nicely though!
Can I go for a swim, I know myself that it is not possible yet my neck is aching too much but when will that be a possibility? I was given no advice other than "ring us if you need to" but its like disturbing the nurses when they are overstretched as it is. I have got a sick note for 8 weeks from my doctor so I know it will take a while I just want to be doing something in the mean time but I don't what. I have started reading books unrelated to work I have just finished Twelfth Night, I had forgotten what a good read it was I really got into it. I was reading the Penquin classic which give a preamble and explanation of the text so all that I learned at school started to come back to me. Strange but it also got me thinking about the peole who were in my class than things I did at school when I was younger. Tyring to remember peoples names is a killer, in your minds eye you can see their faces even hear there voices but will they reveal their names... not likely. I am not getting a very good nights sleep even though the tablets are supposed to make you sleepy but then I am trying to remeber everyones name that I have ever encountered. I am sleeping sat up in bed as I am afraid of and unable to lay with my head on the pillow as normal, I suppose it means I am snoring less I don't know Bodil has not said if it has helped or not. I must say it has helped not haveung the neck brace on I could even hear I was snoring with that on! It being half term Maria was allowed to sleepover at a friends house one night has turned into three so I have not seen her all weekend. She deserves to enjoy her self as she seems to be working really hard towards her GCSE's and she is really very helpful around the house and I love her to bits but I do miss her when she is not here. I don't know what it will be like when she goes to University, I didn't think I would miss Louise but I really do eve though I know she is making her way in life and we encouraged her to do so I still miss her. Well my neck is aching still so I am going to go and rest it. First week over and getting better slowly I think (hope) look for ward to week two. Maybe England can manage a win (both football and Rugby)!
Thursday, 12 February 2009
We have heard all week about the state of the nation as far as the snow goes and how awful it has been. But here in the North East it hasn't been too bad. Until today that is, the snow has been coming down quite incessantly all morning and it is looking like it will stay with us so it could be a white snowy day today.
Wednesday, 11 February 2009
Reality Check!
So I am sat here thinking that every new ache or pain is something worse than before and wondering why I have the pains and worrying that the operation was not successful. I go for a walk, I feel dizzy but that is to be expected. The wind blows and I imagine myself on the water in charge of a windsurfer, pulling in and gliding over the water. The sun is in my face, I struggle to cross the road and I exit into the park, the sun is strong but the frosty dew is still visable on the grass and the fence. The lake is almost part of the land, it is surreal to see a couple of swans standing together on the lake having a chat. I feel better now the aches are not there anymore for now and I head back to home feeling I could walk for ages but knowing this is the first time out since the operation, then I tell myself not to be so stupid, the operation is over the wound is healing, lets just get on with it quickly, run, jump, throw your neck in the air turn it left and right. All this is in my head you understand. I return home felling good feeling that the operation was not significant and wondering when can I return to work. I answer emails and click on an email on behalf of the head of the Faculty at the University Rosie. I click to open thinking that it is something to do with my deferral and I have missed out an important part of the form. My stomach turns when I read that she has died suddenly after undergoing a routine operation. Died, I only emailed her a couple of weeks previously to say good luck. Died, I only talked to her last semester concerning my neck and she her knees. Died, I only talked to other lecturers about how she was lucky to get in and have her operation done so quickly. I only met her once, but I will remember her for ever. Dr. Rosie Turner-Bissett.
Tuesday, 10 February 2009
So that was that!
Saturday morning came along and I was rather apprehensive, I had experienced weird dreams about dying and surgeons finding nasty things in my neck but eventually I awoke. I had my plan ready, shower, check my bag, check my letter, check my reading material (Tommy Cooper Biography) all ready. Gerry my friend arrived at about 7.20 and had a cup of tea, then we set off with my neck giving me pain as usual over the bumps. I arrived at the Ward and was met and settled into my bed area I would be on second the usual checks were done Blood pressure, MRSA the usual questions were asked both by the nurse and the anesthetist. I was just about to get into my book when I was told to get robed up as I was the first on! What a relief, I managed to get through the robing quite well by tying the threads and then slipping into them over the head, I managed to place my rather fetching white tights on the wrong legs but what the hell they were on and then I was wheeled down to the operating theatre. I saw the surgeon and spent a couple of minutes talking football with the assistant anesthetist a Cambridge United supporter, then I was given a needle in the back of the hand and off to sleep.
Now I think that I don't do anesthetic very well because when I awoke I was I bit confused and rather queasy, so much so that once they had decided to move us from our lovely 4 bed ward to a 10 bed ward I thought I was going to be sick but they shoved something into my hand needle and that was sorted.
Now I realise that the move was necessary from their point of view but I couldn't have been more depressed. The noise and the bustle of the ward was very disconcerting. This wasn't helped by the machine which was working the air in and out of the boots they had placed on me to avoid getting another Blood Clot which was somehow serenely out of sync with anything you could imagine. The staff were still very kindly but they had a lot to do and the fact that mobile phones were allowed was not a positive adventure. Welcome though they are they should be scrutinised so that there are rules of engagement eg silent or vibrate mode only and an acceptance that the recipient of the call has no need to shout out at the top of their voice. Unfortunately the nursing staff had not been given guidelines and as such were at a loss to intervene and ask people to adhere to a non existent rule regime, Shame that, as getting to sleep would have been easier and even to the fact of waking someone up to stop their snoring would have been helpful rather than just agreeing
that the noise was unbearable. The upshot however was that the following day (Sunday) I was well enough to go home I had passed water, been on my feet and had good blood pressure results One nurse suggested I stay another night to to make sure because I had experienced a blood clot before but after weighing up the pros and cons I decided to come home. Wife and youngest daughter appeared at 14.30 and by 16.30 I was walking down the street to get into Gerry's (the other one) car to be taken home. What a relief!
It is now Tuesday and I am feeling OK the pain I have is different from the nerve pain I had before, this pain is more like the pain of surgery and in my throat I have difficulty swallowing but that is to be expected as they move the windpipe out he way to get to the disc. I have a hole in my neck I don't know how big as it has a plaster on but the nurse who dressed it said it looked good and the surgeon said he was happy with what he had done so it is all systems go to get better. I am awaiting the district nurse to arrive sometime this week to change the dressing and I will ask her what exercise I can do as I want to get back to fitness again and lose some weight firstly so I can get into my wet suit and secondly so the the board doesn't sink when launch it (sometime in the summer). I am totally unsure of what I can do and can't do and I was given no indication from the medical staff having said that they were superb and I thought they looked after me extremely well in a very professional caring way!
So I am now on the road to recovery and hoping it won't be too long before I am back to peak performance.
Now I think that I don't do anesthetic very well because when I awoke I was I bit confused and rather queasy, so much so that once they had decided to move us from our lovely 4 bed ward to a 10 bed ward I thought I was going to be sick but they shoved something into my hand needle and that was sorted.
Now I realise that the move was necessary from their point of view but I couldn't have been more depressed. The noise and the bustle of the ward was very disconcerting. This wasn't helped by the machine which was working the air in and out of the boots they had placed on me to avoid getting another Blood Clot which was somehow serenely out of sync with anything you could imagine. The staff were still very kindly but they had a lot to do and the fact that mobile phones were allowed was not a positive adventure. Welcome though they are they should be scrutinised so that there are rules of engagement eg silent or vibrate mode only and an acceptance that the recipient of the call has no need to shout out at the top of their voice. Unfortunately the nursing staff had not been given guidelines and as such were at a loss to intervene and ask people to adhere to a non existent rule regime, Shame that, as getting to sleep would have been easier and even to the fact of waking someone up to stop their snoring would have been helpful rather than just agreeing

It is now Tuesday and I am feeling OK the pain I have is different from the nerve pain I had before, this pain is more like the pain of surgery and in my throat I have difficulty swallowing but that is to be expected as they move the windpipe out he way to get to the disc. I have a hole in my neck I don't know how big as it has a plaster on but the nurse who dressed it said it looked good and the surgeon said he was happy with what he had done so it is all systems go to get better. I am awaiting the district nurse to arrive sometime this week to change the dressing and I will ask her what exercise I can do as I want to get back to fitness again and lose some weight firstly so I can get into my wet suit and secondly so the the board doesn't sink when launch it (sometime in the summer). I am totally unsure of what I can do and can't do and I was given no indication from the medical staff having said that they were superb and I thought they looked after me extremely well in a very professional caring way!
So I am now on the road to recovery and hoping it won't be too long before I am back to peak performance.
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