I would like t know more about the post operative situation though. How much am I supposed to do? I have been out walking and that has had an effect on my neck making it hurt but I am not going to give that up as it is my only form of exercise.Now that my wound has healed well almost. The scar looks to be healing quite nicely though!
Can I go for a swim, I know myself that it is not possible yet my neck is aching too much but when will that be a possibility? I was given no advice other than "ring us if you need to" but its like disturbing the nurses when they are overstretched as it is. I have got a sick note for 8 weeks from my doctor so I know it will take a while I just want to be doing something in the mean time but I don't what. I have started reading books unrelated to work I have just finished Twelfth Night, I had forgotten what a good read it was I really got into it. I was reading the Penquin classic which give a preamble and explanation of the text so all that I learned at school started to come back to me. Strange but it also got me thinking about the peole who were in my class than things I did at school when I was younger. Tyring to remember peoples names is a killer, in your minds eye you can see their faces even hear there voices but will they reveal their names... not likely. I am not getting a very good nights sleep even though the tablets are supposed to make you sleepy but then I am trying to remeber everyones name that I have ever encountered. I am sleeping sat up in bed as I am afraid of and unable to lay with my head on the pillow as normal, I suppose it means I am snoring less I don't know Bodil has not said if it has helped or not. I must say it has helped not haveung the neck brace on I could even hear I was snoring with that on! It being half term Maria was allowed to sleepover at a friends house one night has turned into three so I have not seen her all weekend. She deserves to enjoy her self as she seems to be working really hard towards her GCSE's and she is really very helpful around the house and I love her to bits but I do miss her when she is not here. I don't know what it will be like when she goes to University, I didn't think I would miss Louise but I really do eve though I know she is making her way in life and we encouraged her to do so I still miss her. Well my neck is aching still so I am going to go and rest it. First week over and getting better slowly I think (hope) look for ward to week two. Maybe England can manage a win (both football and Rugby)!
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