Sunday, 26 April 2009

Lazy Sunday Afternoon

I have just finished watching Spiral in my iPhone a rerun of the series first shown in 2006 I think by BBC 4. I remember watching the first couple last year and thinking WOW! this is great but then they put these things on so late that I forget I have seen them, so thank you BBC for the re run and thank you iplayer and iPhone for the ability to see them again when I am ready to do so. That is what technology is about, getting what you need when you want it and the iPhone and I dare say other new mobiles deliver. I now do not know what I would do Communication wise if I didn't have my mobile. I am going out for a walk shortly and I will take my iPhone with me to log where I have been and how long it takes me so that I can put it up on the web to make sure  am getting some exercise so that I don't put any more weight on  ( it isn't working by the way). So even by looking at Spiral made circa 2005 and looking at say Wire you see directly the use of mobile technology.

Now having text my daughter (up stairs revising) to ask what time we should go for a walk I have half an hour to get ready great this comms thing! As I said Lazy Sunday afternoon

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