Thursday, 23 April 2009

St George's Day

Thursday came and went I thought it was Wednesday so I didn't really do anything about celebrating this day as most people in England it comes and it goes and we talk of making it a holiday and celebrating all that is good about this country and then we are too late and so we wait until next year and the same thing again!
We could take a leaf out of the St Patrick's day celebrations. Firstly find a brewery to sponsor the day a good honest English brewery. Aah! we hit the first snag there isn't one. OK then lets look to our Englishness (like the Irishness) well do we go down the Morris dance route or the National Front route (read their policy statements and they refer to the "British" the "English" but who are these people surely not just white working class but all people who live and can vote in this country). Do we celebrate the Cornish pasty or the Stotty cake. You see the problem there is no unifying trait that says English there is just a mish mash of local and regional variations. So what do we do? Well we forget about it until next year and the debate will start again. When all is said and done we don't care anything about the religious status of the Patron Saints anyway we just want an excuse to have a good time and for that you don't need any saints especially a Roman soldier from Turkey. Its that bit of everything again!

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